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MeetMax Release Notes

Release 49.0 - February 2023

  • Introducing variable length meetings
  • Introducing a Calendar view of personalized schedules
  • Expanding feature functionality for admin users in Opt-Outs events
  • Using batch meeting pairs to in-fill group meetings with automation

Category Title Description
Meetings Introducing variable length meetings in MeetMax

This new feature extends robust features to our long-standing Overlapping Time Slots event configuration. When enabled, the Time Slots page now allows you to establish and manage multiple slot durations and desired intervals between potential meeting start times. For un-moderated or mixed moderation events, end-users can now indicate a preferred meeting duration while making a meeting request. If the target of that request is allowed to accept and confirm requests, they will be prompted with the preferred duration indicated by the source but can also choose a different meeting duration either when accepting the request, or on subsequent edits of the meeting. On the admin side, we've upgraded the Meeting Times scheduler page to make it more intuitive for scheduling from the admin perspective in this more fluid scheduling paradigm. On the Blackout Times page, rather than seeing the full matrix of all slots only the interval start times will be displayed and rather than having to check off a box for each slot they are unavailable, a range of blackout times can be indicated. As an added bonus for all event types, the Blackout Times page also no longer requires the user to click "Save" to make changes, but instead simply automatically saves changes as they are made within the page (e.g. - as boxes are checked or un-checked).

Meetings Introducing a Calendar view of personalized schedules

Currently we offer several different ways of viewing a text-based personalized schedule in MeetMax, which may include meetings, activities, presentations you're attending, sessions you're assigned as a presenter for, joinable group meetings, and universal engagements (presentations/activities). We are adding a Calendar View to allow Attendees to better visualize their schedules and see gaps of time between scheduled items. In addition to all of the schedule items already mentioned, this new Calendar page will also include visual representations of blackout times which have been expressed. Clicking or tapping on scheduled items within the calendar view will also let you find out more detail about that engagement (e.g. - other meeting attendees, presenter information, location details, etc.). And finally, this calendar view is available both as a standalone page as well as a slide-out pane in the Meeting Requests pages to aid in deciding when is best to schedule a meeting in an un-moderated scheduling environment.

Meetings Expanding feature functionality for admin users in Opt-Outs events

MeetMax provides feature functionality that allows event hosts to allow an end-user to explicitly say they do not want to meet with another party. This is typically in an event where there are requests flowing in both directions and the meetings are scheduled by the event host. These are Opt-Outs. We have added the ability for an end-user to indicate a Reason and a Comment for their opt-out when issuing it. Additionally, we've filtered the list of Unscheduled requests on the Meeting Times page so that the opt-outs simply won't be displayed at all (regardless of whether one or both parties have issued the opt-out). And finally, we've added a new option in the Meetings menu drop-down called Opt-Outs which displays a list of all opt-outs issued in an event including the reasons and comments.

Reporting Providing an Excel download of Received Requests for end users

In events where end-users are able to access their Received Requests page, which lists out the Meeting Requests that have been sent to them, we've provided an Excel download link in the account navigation bar. The idea here is that, in events where there are a lot of inbound requests, a company or attendee with many received requests may want to download this data and share it with other colleagues offline who might not be logging in to MeetMax. Additionally, this can be helpful in simply providing companies or attendees with a way to extract their own copy of received requests (even if those requests didn't get fulfilled and ultimately end up on the Your Schedule page).

Meetings More easily accessed request preferences for scheduled meetings

When you're on the Meeting Times page scheduling requests, you can presently see the preferred meeting size expressed by the attendee when hovering over their name on the left side of the page (either in the Unscheduled or Scheduled requests buckets). However, we've had a number of requests to make this information more readily available on the right side of the page which shows the scheduled meetings themselves. As of this latest release, you can hover over the scheduled meetings on the right side of the page and see the submitted request rankings/preferences for each attendee/company. Please note that to minimize disruption from standard usage, we've delayed the hover tooltip from displaying until you've hovered for at least 2 seconds over the attendee/company.

Meetings More easily identifying previously scheduled requests on Meeting Times page

On the Meeting Times page, it is common to have unscheduled requests on the left side of the page which were previously scheduled into a meeting and taken out for one reason or another. The request from clients has been to have an easy way of identifying those requests which we previously scheduled and distinguish them from other requests. This new feature allows us to create buckets of requests on the left side of the page which are grouped either by having previously been canceled, or even by a specific cancellation reason (e.g. - "Banker Declined", "Company Declined", etc.).

Meetings Using batch meeting pairs to in-fill group meetings with automation

SpBatch Meeting Pairs lets event hosts automate the creation of 1x1 meetings between parties based on attributes of the two sides, without the need for prior submission of meeting requests. This latest enhancement now allows the host to assign these "no-request meetings" to time slots designated as Group Meeting slots for any given target or Attendee to make a larger group meeting. A common use case for this might be to start by filling all of the user-initiated requests, and then use the batch meeting pairs tool to fill up each remaining slot with group meetings for those who didn't express a preference.

Emailing Making the default from address more consistent

This is a small but notable feature for MeetMax power users. Historically, if you send out a batch email from MeetMax the default from address is populated as the email address of the admin user who is logged in and sending the email. However, when you went to send out emails from specific pages to a single user (e.g. - clicking the Email link in the top right of the Your Schedule page) the default from address might be something different, often the event-level Host Contact email. We've simplified this behavior and made it so that - whenever you're sending an email from the admin side in MeetMax - the email address for your own admin user account will be the default from address (though you will still be able to manually adjust this if desired).

Meetings Small change to Meeting Changes Since Last Email feature

This is another small but important update for our MeetMax power users (and indeed this was requested by one of our long-time clients). For those who do a lot of meeting scheduling, and also email out schedules, you may already be aware that the software features the ability to have an asterisk shown next to meetings which were changed since the last time schedules were emailed out of the system - making it easier for consumers of those schedules to find the updates in subsequent revisions. Prior to this latest release, if you simply moved a meeting from one slot to another this would not create an asterisk that indicated a meeting change since the last time schedules were emailed. By popular demand we've updated the logic so that this type of schedule change will indeed trigger that asterisk and show schedule consumers that this is a new change in their schedules.

Meetings Updated penetration testing with BreachLock

We take our commitment to providing a secure web application seriously and execute annual penetration testing with an independent third party (BreachLock). In addition to monthly automated vulnerability scanning we authorize BreachLock to conduct rigorous penetration testing in order to assess the security posture of our web application and underlying infrastructure, and identify any potential vulnerabilities. We're very pleased to announce that our most recent round of testing and remediation is completed, and we're recertified as having Secure Infrastructure and Secure Application status with BreachLock. Copies of these certificates and top-line Executive Summary pages are avialable for inspection upon client request. Please email operations@meetmax.com should you wish to inquire further.

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