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Release Notes

Release 48.0 - October 2022

  • Merge attendee data to emails
  • Assign CRM ID values
  • UI/UX improvements
  • Conflict management reports

Category Title Description
Emailing Making it easier to include user-specific data in custom emails

In your Custom Pages which have been flagged as emails, you will now see a "Fields" drop-down that allows you to include any of the data points from the various forms an attendee or company may have filled out (e.g. registration, profile, custom forms). In addition to this, you can also include blocks of more complex bits of data like Presentations and lists of Company Reps/Guests. Finally, you can also create and include event-wide custom blocks of data which might be referred to across multiple emails in a single message tag, which can then be included as a merged block as well (e.g. attire, hotel information, host contact information).

Meetings A more intuitive way to handle Company Reps with different schedules

When you open the "Cancel Meeting" dialog box, now you will see the company reps listed as available attendees to be removed from each specific meeting. If you were to reschedule a meeting after removing a company rep or group of attendees, the tied company rep would still not be pulled in based upon your decision to cancel them out previously. Lastly, additional labeling at the top of the interface has been added, it indicates all of the tied reps and also displays any meetings for which they are presently omitted.

3rd Party Integrations A faster way to assign CRM ID values for attendees and companies

When you have the CRM ID column included on the Attendee List or Company List pages, instead of showing a blank space where that value should be we are now displaying a hyperlink labeled "Lookup". When you click this link, the software opens a dialog box and immediately goes through a series of queries to find the most likely match(es) to your existing record in MeetMax, based on common heuristics such as email address, company name, first name, and last name. Once you find the record you wish to sync with, you simply click a button and MeetMax will fill in the CRM ID value for you - or even let you pull in additional data about that attendee from the CRM.

Presentations Presentations Schedule page upgrades

On the Presentations schedule page, the layout can either be in a Grid view (for events with many tracks) or a List view (allowing for more detail to be included for each session). Historically, the view that end-users see was based solely upon the event administrator setting an event-wide default. With this new release we have given the end-user the ability to self-select their view, after seeing the default view established by the event host on initial page load. This view preference is stored in a session cookie and will remain with them until the log out or close their browser. Additionally, we've made another improvement to the page load efficiency by not loading all presentation days on initial page load, instead offloading that task to subsequent ajax calls. This will improve the page load times for events with large presentation schedules, especially for users on slower internet connections. Finally, we've also made a change to the logic surrounding the inclusion of profile links for Presentation sessions. Previously, if you assigned a Moderator to a Company presentation, the system would treat this like a Panel session and remove the link to the Company Profile. We've changed this so that if a presentation is set as a Company session, with only one company assigned and one or more people assigned as a Moderator, the Presentation Titlle will still link to the Company Profile.

Registration Copying Client Rep Groups on Registration Confirmation Emails

Many clients use the Contact Name (commonly relabeled so "Sales Rep") field in MeetMax to tie an attendee registration to their respective Sales Rep coverage. On the company side, this is referred to as the Company Tracking role and often reflects Analyst coverage. For attendees covered by multiple people, you can also associate more than one "Contact Name" or use the "Client Rep Groups" feature to assign a predefined rep group to an attendee registration. This new feature allows you to copy the client rep groups, or the multiple contacts coverage, on the registration confirmation emails for their associated attendees.

Registration Copying Client Rep Groups on Registration Confirmation Emails

Specific to events with paid registration, this new feature allows event hosts to establish discounts which are automatically applied to registration based upon certain characteristics of the registrant or their chosen registration type or registration options. A good example of this might be where you would like everyone with a ".edu" email address to be able to register into a free "Student" ticket type. Or if you wanted to apply specific discounts to certain companies, or really any attribute of the registrant, their parent company, or their registration type.

Registration Introducing automated discount rules

Specific to events with paid registration, this new feature allows event hosts to establish discounts which are automatically applied to registration based upon certain characteristics of the registrant or their chosen registration type or registration options. A good example of this might be where you would like everyone with a ".edu" email address to be able to register into a free "Student" ticket type. Or if you wanted to apply specific discounts to certain companies, or really any attribute of the registrant, their parent company, or their registration type.

Registration Introducing limited inventory registration options

In payments events, historically you have been able to associate an "initial" and "subsequent" registration type for the company reps within a given parent company registration type (e.g. - Silver Sponsor gets [x] reps of "Included/Free" type and then subsequent reps will be "Additional/Paid" type). This worked fine in very simple and linear registration scenarios, but posed some frustrating limitations when dealing with many additions and cancellations of reps, and having more than two options of company rep ticket types. This new feature improves upon that existing functionality, allowing you to formally establish a relationship with multiple registration types to a single parent registration type. Then, on the "Registration Options" page for the company rep, the software will intuitively provide the ability to select from the appropriate registration types. Additionally, if you alternatively choose to set the registration type on the registration form the drop-down for Registration Code will now dynamically display only those registration types for which that company rep is eligible.

Meetings Improving the behavior of automatic meeting location assignment when meetings are rescheduled

This feature will be a minor improvement for moderated events, but a very substantial improvement for unmoderated events where meeting locations are automatically assigned as end-users confirm their own meetings. Specifically, this small update now ensures that - as meetings are rescheduled to a new time slot - a new location will be automatically assigned (while still respecting any assignment rules which are in place). Previously, rescheduled meetings would sometimes drop the meeting location and need to be manually assigned.

Meetings Adding controls for the user experience when maximum meetings has been reached

When you are making meeting requests of an attendee or company who has reached their maximum meetings allotment, MeetMax displays some language which explains to the requestor that the company has reached their maximum. Specifically, we have provided event hosts the ability to modify the language of the alert which is displayed that explains this situation. Additionally, you can choose whether people are still able to make requests with or message this attendee or company who has maxed out. And finally, we've added the ability to fully omit this attendee or company from the list of available request targets when they've reached their maximum.

Reporting Adding new data points to Leads

MeetMax has the ability to show companies the Leads who have engaged with them. Historically, this has included attendees who have bookmarked them, requested to meet with them, viewed their profile, or whom they have scanned with our LeadTracker app. This latest upgrade to Leads allows event hosts to now also include attendees who have signed up to attend their presentation, watched a webcast of their presentation, or those who have been scanned into their presentation by our ScanTracker system (RFID or QR code scanning).

Reporting New reports for conflict management

Conflict management in MeetMax refers to the software's ability to detect and prevent conflict between Meetings and other scheduled engagements like Presentations and Activities. One challenge that arises with enabling conflict management in an event which is already live is due to the fact that it can be difficult to know where conflicts already exist, and you cannot turn on conflict management until these are resolved. We've created three new reports to assist in this process which indicate overlapping meetings with activities, presentations you're attending, and presentations you're assigned to present in.

Reporting Filtering the Company Reps based on Company data

Event hosts can now filter the Atttendee List based on the attributes of an Attendee's parent Company. A common example of this in an unmoderated event might be to filter the list of Attendees to all Company Reps whose parent Company has inbound pending meeting requests, so that you can email them to take action on their parent company's meetings. Another example might be to email meeting schedules to all Company Reps whose parent company has meetings, but omit those whose parent companies do not.

Reporting Additional fields and columns for Hotel Reservations report

This is a small but very helpful improvement for clients who use the MeetMax Hotels module. We've added new filters for Bed Type, "Night Of", Preference, and Confirmation Number. We've also included these are columns which can be added/removed from the list, and ensured that they're consistently populating in the Excel download.

Groups Mode Groups Mode Updates

Groups Mode in MeetMax refers to a modality in which Company Reps share meeting requests at the company level, but are able to make and act upon those requests from within their own login. We've made a few improvements to this configuration, starting with giving more visibility into who was the source of a meeting request on behalf of the company. Additionally, and more substantially, we've modified the registration behavior of the main company contact. You can now set a username at the company level independently of the main company contact, and you can also use a radio field to indicate whether this main contact should also be registered as the first company rep. This means that moving forward, you can still have an entity level login in groups mode (historically, this was given up in lieu of having all login take place at the attendee level). This helps to ensure that - even if the initial company rep gets deleted - a company-level login is maintained for others to access.

MeetMax ScanTracker Adding a new API service for ScanTracker

We've added a new API service for ScanTracker to include our RFID scans from events which are using this service to track attendance at sessions. This comes at the request of several firms which wanted to make sure that this data would be easily integrated back into other platforms for consumption reporting.

3rd Party Integrations Updating our Google Analytics integration

MeetMax has had an integration with Google Analytics for several years, which allows you to use GA to monitor site traffic for your events. For those of you who are regular users of GA you will likely be aware that on July 1, 2023 the older "Universal Analytics" system will no longer be supported or function at all. All properties must be moved over to the new "GA4" system by this time. We've updated our integration to allow existing UA properties to carry on as they have been until that time, but are also forcing any new events to be tied to GA4 properties only.

System Infrastructure Application Server Upgrades

For clients who have been active in MeetMax the past few weeks, you may have already noticed performance improvements related to our recent upgrade of our application servers. On September 24th, we deployed brand new application server hardware with triple the number of CPU cores at faster clock speeds and twice the RAM. During our own benchmarking we were finding that larger Presentation schedule pages which previously took nearly 10s to load are now loading in under 2s. This performance improvement will be felt by all clients but most noticeably by those with events having larger data sets (necessitating more processing power).

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