When produced properly, an Investor Day (or Analyst Day) is an extremely valuable investor relations tool. Typically, an investor day is a public meeting where company executives and VIPs update current and potential investors on the health and direction of the company, along with current projects they may be working on.
One of your first decisions when planning an Investor Relations day is choosing the event format and vendors. For example, will the event be streamed as a video or audio webcast? Will it be hosted virtually? Will it be entirely pre-recorded? Or be a combination of these formats?
Some events last several hours, so it may be valuable for stakeholders to watch relevant bits and pieces, a replay, or even read a transcript. For example, did you know that 72% of investors viewing the presentation via a webcast page prefer a webcast that provides a live video stream, including slides and live Q&A?
In 2022, SummitCast, a division of TWST Events, hosted over 230 Investor/Analyst Days. Here are our best practices, including our top do’s and dont’s for a successful event webcast.
1. Don't assume you can wait until the last minute - reach out to a webcast provider early.
- Your tech provider can provide valuable knowledge and insight into what makes a successful analyst day.
- It’s never too early to organize technology. The earlier in the planning, the more options you’ll have on the event day.
2. Do engage management and presenters early.
- Schedule a tech test session with your provider.
- Schedule and run at least two dry-run sessions with your presentation team.
3. Don’t miss your test sessions!
- If you don’t allocate ample preparation time, you won’t see problems before they happen. What happens if something goes wrong? Will you have troubleshooting steps handy?
4. Do market the event.
- Send out save the dates.
- Drive interest and attendance.
- Send out formal invitations to your list of invitees.
- Issue a pre-event press release.
- Issue a post-event press release highlighting key points, participants, strategy, and long-term targets.
5. Do engage management and presenters early.
- During the presentation rehearsal, provide your presenters with questions (including some challenging ones), so they can practice giving sufficient and transparent answers.
- Prepare some questions in advance (in case you need to fill in time).
6. Do create holding slides.
- When waiting for the event to start or as the event closes, your webcast vendor can stream these holding slides, which can host pertinent information such as event title, presenter details, or company information.
- In case of technical difficulties during the event, have a slide ready explaining to the audience that you are working swiftly to solve the problem.
7. Don't engage management and presenters early.
- SummitCast, a division of TWST Events, prides itself on its level of white glove service!
- Our team can be your go-to for any questions you may have along the way. We are highly responsive and provide quick turnaround times.
- From start to finish, we will assist with pre-event planning, live production, and post-event questions.
Following these seven tips will lead your company to a successful Investor event. Our team can provide strategic and logistical planning to ensure the success of your company’s event webcast. Contact us to learn more about webcasting your next event.